Thrift with Jami Ray Vintage!

Sometimes when you are No worries, you can always give something new life with crafting!
Watch the playlist using the button to see the fun videos we have created while thrifting in one spot!

What do we do with our thrifted finds?
Each week Jami and Zeb go thrifting to find items to sell in our Lehi boutique and online store. On Saturday nights they go live at 8:30PM MT, sometimes it's moved due to holidays, but rarely. They show you what they've found and they paint and recreate new looks for some of the finds at the end. During the live you can buy the items on Check out some of the fun videos thrifting with Jami and Zeb below! Be sure to subscribe on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok to see new videos and get inspired for your home!